Sunday, May 26, 2013

How To Make The Most of Your Trip Down Under

How To Make The Most of Your Trip Down Under.

Visiting a new country abroad can be a daunting prospect, especially if you are not a well-seasoned traveller. Add into this mixture flying all the way to the other side of the world, a language barrier and travelling with your children, and you have a recipe for a pretty stressful experience. But, it doesn’t have to be this way – and us Australian’s certainly don’t want you to leave our wonderful country having not enjoyed yourself.

So, to help you with your future trip Down Under, here are a few tricks of the travelling trade that will help to make your visit as enjoyable as possible:

Baby steps. If you are feeling nervous about your visit to Oz, it’s probably not the greatest idea to choose backpacking through the outback, or some other exotic jaunt for your first vacation. If you are travelling with children, this will be even more important: Choose a hotel or resort that is popular with tourists. This means the locals will be used to foreign visitors and their needs and you will be able to do lots of research beforehand on travel websites as to what to expect.

Learn the lingo. I’m not suggesting you become bi-lingual here, but learning a few slang key phrases is often a sign of good manners for when you step foot on Aussie soil. If you have taken my previous advice and opted for a popular destination, chances are you will be able to make yourself understood by the tourist weary local waiters and hotel staff, but attempting to greet them or thank them in their own language shows that you are making an effort, which may benefit you in the long run if you need assistance.

Do your research. This may seem obvious, but so many people arrive in Australia with no idea about the local taxi rates, social etiquette in public or laws of the country they are visiting. With so many travel review websites, there really is no excuse. You can easily find out whether tipping in restaurants is expected, and whether you will need legs and shoulders covered if you intend to visit any holy buildings. These little snippets of information can mean the difference between you blending in, or making a foreign faux pas.

Get it booked. Make sure you get as much as possible booked online before you leave, in order to be as organised as possible. But, if you forget to and only realise as you touch down, don’t panic. There are many companies out here who’ll help you to sort out any last minute budget insurance or car hire requirements you may have.

Relax. If you are uptight and stressed out, you are bound to make a mistake or forget something. If you’ve done your planning, you will be en route to a happy and enjoyable holiday and will be planning your next one with more enthusiasm and confidence.

Experienced freelance writer, Lara Anderson, wrote this article. Lara specializes in providing useful and engaging travel advice for those looking to visit Australia.   

If planning to visit Australia and looking for accommodation, visit OzeHols for accommodation in Australia as well as short term accommodation or cheap holiday accommodation in Australia.